God Arises
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While there is no gainsaying the fact that science
has set up for us a vast storehouse of knowledge,
this dialogue clearly shows that it has its limits.
There is a point beyond which it can offer no further
explanations. Its discoveries then fall very far short
of giving us the kind of answers provided by
religion. Even if the quantum of scientific
discoveries were increased by billions, the necessity
for religion would in no way be obviated, for such
discoveries throw light only on what is concrete and
observable. They tell us what is happening. They do
not provide answers to the question, ‘Why is it
happening?’ and ‘What is the primary cause?’ All
such discoveries are of an intermediate, subsidiary
and non-absolute nature.
If science is to replace religion, it shall have to
discover the ultimate and absolute explanation. Let
us take the example of a machine which is
functioning without our being able to see how it
works, because it is enclosed in a metallic casing.
When we remove this casing, we can see how the
various cogwheels move in conjunction with a
number of other parts of the mechanism. Does this
mean that, in discovering the mechanics of the