God Arises
The Challenge of The Qur’an
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sign, the unbelievers turn their backs and say,
‘Ingenious magic!’
Geology is another field in which the Quran is truly
the forerunner of modern scientific discovery.
In several parts of the Quran, it is stated that the
mountain were raised in order to keep the earth in
equilibrium, “He raised the heavens without visible
pillars and set immovable mountains on the earth
lest it should shake with you” (31:10).
Fifteen hundred years ago, at the time these words
were recorded, man had no understanding of the
importance of the mountains. It is only recently that
geographers have formulated the concept of
isostasy, which is defined by the
as the “theoretical balance of all large
portions of the Earth’s crust as though they were
floating on a denser underlying layer, about 110
kilometers (70 miles) below the surface. Imaginary
columns of equal cross-sectional area that rise from
this layer to the surface are assumed to have equal
weights everywhere on Earth, even though their