GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 294

God Arises
The Challenge of The Qur’an
~ 294 ~
those days. He would often lie so still in the
Prophet’s mosque that people thought he was
unconscious. But the truth was that continuous
starvation had weakened him so much that he was
hardly fit to do anything else but just lie motionless.
When this forlorn little caravan was camping of
Madinah, there was the danger that at any moment
their enemies, who were all around them, would
suddenly swoop down on them and there would be
a massacre. But God repeatedly gave them the good
tidings that they were His representatives and that,
therefore, no one could overcome them.
They seek to extinguish the light of God with
their mouths; but God will perfect his light,
much as the unbelievers may dislike it. It is
He who has sent His apostle with guidance
and the Faith of Truth, so that He may exalt it
above all religions, much as the Pagans, may
dislike it.
Shortly after this prediction, the whole of Arabia
surrendered before him. The believers, who were
far fewer in number and completely lacking in
resources, overpowered the unbelievers, who
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