God Arises
The Challenge of The Qur’an
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friends and supporters and initial successes have
often singly, or together, deluded people into
thinking that nothing could stop them from
attaining certain cherished goals, and so they have
ventured to prophesy that they were destined to
scale great pinnacles of success. But history has
almost refused to fulfill their predictions. On the
other hand, in spite of totally unfavourable and
quite unthinkable circumstances, the words of the
Quran have come true, time and time again, and in
such a manner that no human science is able to offer
an explanation for it. These events can never be
understood in the light of human experience. The
only way to rationalize them is to attribute them to
a super human being.
Napolean Bonaparte was one of the greatest
generals of his time. His initial successes showed
signs of his surpassing even such renowned
conquerors as Caesar and Alexander. It was not
unnatural that his phenomenal success should
foster the idea that he was the master of his own
destiny. He then became so over-confidant that he
stopped consulting even his closest advisers. He
believed that nothing short of total victory was to be