God Arises
Challenge of Modern Knowledge
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gods automatically change in accordance with
the form of the State. The God as King is
merely a transposition of the human as king,
the divine kingdom merely a transposition of
the earthly kingdom. Moreover, since the
prince or king is supreme judge, the deity is
likewise clothed with the judicial function and
vested with the final decision as to human
guilt or innocence (7, p.233).
Thus the condition of a particular historical period
and the interaction of the human mind with
prevailing circumstances have given birth to
concepts which are collectively known as religion.
Religion is a product of the human mind resulting
from ignorance and a sense of helplessness in the
face of external forces. Julian Huxley sums it up
thus: “Religion is the product of a certain type of
interaction between man and his environment.”
Since that particular environment, which was
responsible for bringing about this interaction has
either disappeared or is disappearing; there is no
further justification for the perpetuation of religion.
To this Huxley adds: