God Arises
Challenge of Modern Knowledge
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which, all celestial bodies revolve. Later, many
other scholars carried this research forward to the
point where all events on earth and in the heavens
allegedly took place according to the immutable
“Law of Nature.”
After this discovery, it was but natural that the
concept of an active and omnipotent God as the
power, which made things move appeared
meaningless. At the most this discovery allowed for
a God who had initially set the universe in motion.
Therefore, Newton himself, along with other like-
minded scientists, believed in God as the Prime
Mover. Voltaire for his part, said that God had
created the universe in just the same way as a
watch-maker made a watch, assembling the parts,
arranging them in a particular order, but afterwards
having nothing to do with it. Hume subsequently,
abolished this “inactive and worthless God” by
advancing the argument that we had seen watches
being made, but that since we had not seen the
world in the process of creation, it was not possible
for us to believe in God.