The Call of the Quran
5. The call of da‘wah in the modern age
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As a result of freedom of opinion having become
accepted as the sacred right of the individual, the
principle of autocratic rule yielded pride of place to
the rule of the people, culminating in the spread of
democracy throughout Europe and the rest of the
world. This global intellectual revolution ushered in
a new era in human history in which there were
vast opportunities for the
to practise da’wah
freely all over the world without any hindrance.
The second aspect of God’s easing of the way for
propagators of the faith was the introduction of the
concept of monotheism in order to demythologize
the natural phenomena of the universe, thus
clearing the way to their becoming the legitimate
objects of rational investigation. Polytheism had
formerly stood in the way of their being scrutinized,
holding them to be objects of religious reverence.
This investigation blossomed over the centuries into
modern scientific research, which has examined
these phenomena in great detail, finally setting its
seal of approval on them as proofs of the existence
of a Supreme Creator. These proofs remained
mostly undiscovered before this revolution took
place, although the Qur’an had many centuries