OK, Karim. You remember that we read the
Qur’an together last week? Allah said in many verses that
it was He Who created everything in the skies, on the
earth and in between these two. We talked about the
animals we knew and about their exceptional behaviour.
Then we concluded that they could not do these things
by themselves and had, in fact, been taught how to act
by someone else.
Yes, I remember.
All living things act in the way Allah teaches
them to. From the moment they are born, they all know
how to behave. To understand their behaviour, we human
beings make studies and carry out research for years on
end; we use technological devices, read books and make
experiments. But these things which we try hard to
understand are easily done by animals. For example, they
make calculations that would baffle even the experts. Mr.
and Mrs. Beaver are doing what our Lord has taught them
to do. If Mr. Beaver tells us more about what they do, you
will understand what I mean much better.