course, this knowledge did not come to us by chance. It
is not that one day we said, “Let’s construct a dam and
build a home in the water.” We had already had this
information, because it had been taught to us before we
were born. Because of this, we know what to do very well
and successfully do our jobs. Again thanks to this
knowledge, we know how to fell huge trees and to carry
them into the water.
Listening to Mr. Beaver in amazement, Karim is
startled by Imran’s voice behind him:
“I can answer all of your questions Karim. But before
this, you owe me an explanation. Why did you leave the
camp alone? We would have been worried about you if
we had not seen your note.
Well, I... I’m so sorry. I was so excited that I
couldn’t help coming here. But I knew that you would see
my note. Will you please tell me who taught the beavers
all these things?