A believer who turns his gaze from the heavens to the earth will
see another proof of its creation. Below the earth on which he walks
with such confidence there is a layer of unbelievably hot molten rock
called "magma". In comparison to this, the earth's crust is very thin,
which means that this molten rock is almost under one's feet. So, the
thickness of the earth's crust compared with that of the earth itself
can be compared to the thickness of apple peel compared with the
whole apple. A believer who considers these matters will under-
stand once again that the world and all living
things on it exist because of the perfect balance
that Allah has created according to His will,
and that every creature continues to live in
safety and security because of the will of
A believer who looks with the eye of re-
flection will notice the beauty around him and
the wonders of creation. For example, because
they are blessings from Allah, the birds in the
sky, the fruits that decorate a grocer's shop-
window with their attractive colours, and the
wonderful smell coming from a bakery
mean something to a believer that other
people cannot grasp.
24 Hours in the Life of a Muslim