Another important thing on which a
believer reflects is the fact that he can per-
ceive the smells of the food in the kitchen
and can taste it without any effort. This is
possible because of the wonderful facul-
ties he has. His sense of taste and smell,
which do not cease throughout his life,
work perfectly for him at no cost; they
have taken no training to work so effec-
tively and are themselves unconscious of
their workings.
If a person did not have his sense of taste,
the various tastes of meat, fish, vegetables,
soups, salads, fruits, drinks, and jams
would have no meaning for him.
Besides, the taste of these things might
not be good; they might be tasteless, in-
sipid and unpleasant and upset the stom-
ach. There is no doubt that tastes and the fac-
ulty that perceives them have been specially
24 Hours in the Life of a Muslim