Introducing Islam by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 30

While a believer decides on what
clothes he is going to wear during the day
and gets dressed, he is aware of an important
fact: that clothing is one of Allah's countless
blessings and there is good reason for its existence.
Everyone benefits from this blessing, but only a Muslim
who lives according to the teaching of the Qur'an prop-
erly appreciates that beautiful clothing is a mercy from
Allah and thanks Him for it. Clothing immediately re-
minds the believer that living things are the source of
wool, cotton and silk clothing. The articles of clothing
we use, almost every moment of our lives, are ob-
tained from plants and animals that are won-
ders of creation. In other
words, if Allah had not
created some living
things with the ability
to provide human be-
ings with every kind
of clothing from the
most basic to the
these raw materials
would not exist.
Despite the fact that
they know this, some
people either ignore it
or, because of the error
of their ways, don't ap-
24 Hours in the Life of a Muslim
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