In the Qur'an, our Lord says that people must ponder this matter:
Say: "What do you think? If Allah took away your hearing and
your sight and sealed up your hearts, what god is there, other
than Allah, who could give them back to you?" (Surat al-
An'am: 46)
Certainly it is the Almighty and All-Knowing Allah Who
makes sleep a time of rest for human beings and restores His bless-
ings to them in the morning. Those who know this feel Allah's prox-
imity from the moment they begin their day and are pleased with
the incomparable blessings they enjoy.
Those who reject religion and refuse to consider this reality can
never be fully aware of the blessings they have or know the joy that
believers experience. Generally, early in the morning, they find it
difficult to get out of a warm bed and are stressed by the anxiety of
having to get into step with the new day. Some are anxious and de-
pressed because of the things they have to do every morning. They
don't want to get out of bed; there is a struggle in their minds be-
tween getting up and having one more minute of sleep. An often
encountered moral failing in these kinds of people is that they are
irritable, stressed and glum when they wake up.
Godless people cannot enjoy the pleasure of Allah's blessings;
from the moment they wake up in the morning they return to the
monotony of doing the same things every day. There is another
kind of person who is unaware that the new day may be the last op-
portunity Allah has given him: he prepares himself quickly to start
his day avid to make more money, to show off to others with his
24 Hours in the Life of a Muslim