The World of Animals by Harun Yahya - page 94

White swans swim proudly with their elegant, slender necks and
big bodies. Everybody admires the nobility of their appearance. Since
they are so beautiful, they are like ornaments on the creation.
You might have heard the tale of the ugly duckling. As is told in this
tale, young swans are very ugly when they hatch. They have a brown
or cream colour. Newly hatched young swans–called signets–have
short necks and are covered with dense feathers. Within a couple of
hours of the eggs cracking open, they can run and swim. Their
parents look after them meticulously for a couple of months. Finally,
the ugly duckling turns into a magnificent swan. These baby swans'
ability to swim in such a short time and their transformation into
beautiful creatures is possible only because of the perfection of Allah's
artistry in creation. As we are informed by Allah in a verse; "He who
has created all things in the best possible way!". (Surat as-Sajdah: 7)
"The trumpeter" is a kind of swan that sits on her developing eggs to
keep them warm. Occasionally she stands up and turns her eggs. This
way, she ensures that the heat disperses everywhere equally. Certainly,
it is Allah Who inspires swans with the kind of care their eggs need.
Owing to the ability Allah has bestowed on them, swans move very
fast both in water and in the air. Swans feel more comfortable in
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