Woman Between Islam and Western Society
2. Woman in Society
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A sexual relationship which is formed outside the
fold of marriage seems initially to be a simple
matter, but when a child is born in such a situation,
it becomes evident — generally too late — that it is
not such a simple matter, and that normally
welcome event — the birth of a child -— can have
the gravest of consequences both for the child and
the parents. It is a sad fact that a large number of
illegitimate children are born in the West, despite
contraceptive devices being in general use. An
official report in 1985 revealed that nearly one in
five children born in Britain was illegitimate and
that nearly one in three had been conceived by
unmarried parents. Such illegitimate children
frequently begin their lives in ignorance of who
their fathers and mothers are. They are looked after
in official institutions and then enter society more in
the manner of animals than human beings.
The subject of juvenile delinquency has been
studied exhaustively. The
Encyclopaedia Britannica
says that it is among the most baffling social
maladies of the 20th century. A world-wide
phenomenon, it varies in quality and frequency
from country to country.
The child delinquent is