Woman Between Islam and Western Society
1. A Survey
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second-rate position, a woman has to pay a certain
price. She must willy-nilly become the plaything of
men, allowing herself to be subjected to masculine
cruelty and lasciviousness. The following is an
extract about a report on American working
They sound like experiences in a Delhi bus.
Lewd gestures, offensive language, attacks on
your person — the American workplace is for
its women workers what public transport is
for women in Delhi. A bank teller, Michelle
Vinson, suffered physical abuse and alleged
rape by the bank’s vice-president Sidney
Taylor for four years until finally, assisted by
a women’s organisation, she went to court.
The district court rejected her appeal, largely
because she had remained silent for four years
and had not used the bank’s complaint
procedure to ask for help. It held that any
relationship between the two was voluntary.
The higher court of appeal rejected every
finding of the district court and the matter
finally found its way to the Supreme Court.