Tabligh Movement
Islamic Brotherhood
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“I tell you that worship alone is not sufficient to
keep the Ummah intact. Its unity entails reforming
our ways vis-à-vis those we come in contact with,
paying them their dues, according them proper
respect, and sacrificing our own interests in favour
of community interests. Consider how the Prophet
and his companions endured the unendurable for
the sake of uniting people together around one goal.
“During the caliphate of Umar, an enormous sum in
booty and tax was collected and brought to him. A
meeting was held to decide on the method of
distribution. It was at a time when Ummah had
been established and all were united. People from
various tribes participated in the meeting. They
arrived at the decision that the following system
should be adopted. The tribe to which the prophet
belonged was to receive the highest share, next
would come Abu Bakr’s tribe and then Umar’s. In
this manner Umar’s tribe came third on the list. This
proposal was put before Umar, but he did not agree
to this. He said, ‘We owe everything to the Prophet,
so we should let him establish the criterion. Those
related to him should first receive the greatest