"You're right," said the kitten. "We cats love to climb around in
high trees. Allah has given us this special ability to protect us from
getting hurt in a fall. When we fall, we use our tail for balance,
change the center of gravity of our body and
land on our feet. This protective ability
shows the endless compassion and
mercy of Allah."
Maqsud gently picked the little
kitten up and put it on his lap.
Every day, when he saw one of
these cute little creatures, he
thought what wonderful proofs
they were of Allah's superior cre-
ative power. And so, the love
and tenderness he felt towards
cats grew even more. And the kit-
ten showed that it loved Maqsud by
purring whenever he stroked its fur.
you not see
that Allah has
made everything on
the Earth subservient
to you and the ships
running upon the sea by
His command? He holds
back the heaven, prevent-
ing it from falling to the
Earth—except by His
permission. Allah is All-
Compassionate to
mankind, Most
Merciful. (Surat
al-Hajj: 65)