Stories For Thinking Children by Harun Yahya - page 53

birds to do very different
jobs," came the reply. "Our
beaks are perfectly suited to
the environment in which
we live. Caterpillars and
worms are very delicious for
us bug-eating birds. With
our thin, sharp beaks we
can easily pick up caterpil-
lars and worms from under tree leaves. Fish-eating birds usually
have long bills with a scoop-like shape on the end to catch fish eas-
ily. And birds that feed on plants have beaks that let them easily
eat the kind of plants they like. Our Lord has pro-
vided perfectly for every creature on the Earth
by giving it the abilities it needs."
Anwar had another question for the
sparrow: "You don't have ears like I have,
but you can still hear me very well. How
is that?"
"The sense of hearing is very impor-
tant for us birds. We use it to hunt and
warn one another about any potential
danger so that we can protect ourselves.
Some birds have hearing membranes
that allow them to hear the slightest
sounds. An owl's ears are very sen-
sitive to sounds. It can hear levels of
sound that human beings can't," the
sparrow told him.
Anwar then enquired: "You birds
sing very nicely. I like listening to you.
Have they not looked at the
birds above them, with
wings outspread and folded
back? Nothing holds them
up but the All-Merciful.
He sees all things.
(Surat al-Mulk: 19)
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