gave us this characteristic to make it easier for us to survive when it is
very hot. We need all the gifts that Allah gives us, but He is Rich Beyond
Amar then wondered: "What's your favorite food?"
"We love yellow squash. Our eyes are very sharp, and they see yel-
lows best. That means we can easily find our favorite food," re-
sponded the tortoise.
Amar had another question for the tortoise:
"Do you hibernate in winter?"
The tortoise explained: "Yes. When the
weather gets colder, from October on, and
food becomes harder to find, our bodies slow
down and we protect ourselves by going to
sleep for several months. Our heartbeat and our
breathing slow down. We hibernate between
October and March. Because Allah created us in this
way, we don't have to stay awake in winter with noth-
ing to eat, which would be fatal to us.
Allah has protected
Ev e r y t h i ng i n t he heav en s
and e v e r y t h i ng i n t he
Ea r t h be l ong s t o Him.
A l l ah i s t he R i ch Beyond
Ne ed , t he P r a i s ewo r t hy .
(Su r a t a l -Ha j j : 64)