Stories For Thinking Children by Harun Yahya - page 103

then called "amber." On occasions in the past, this resin
trapped insects, as it flowed down the tree trunks. It then so-
lidified, and the amber and the insects inside it have been
preserved without damage for millions of years, right up until
today. This helps us to learn a lot about creatures that lived
long ago. Such preserved remains of one species or another
are called fossils.
What Does "A Transitional Form" Fossil Mean?
The most important falsehood that evolutionists invent is
that of "transitional forms." In some evolutionist books, these
are sometimes called "intermediate transitional forms."
As you know, evolutionists claim that creatures evolve
from each other. They also maintain that the first creature
came about by chance. They would have us believe that grad-
ually that creature changed into another, and that other crea-
ture turned into yet another, and so on. Evolutionists say that
fish, for example, are descended from a creature that resem-
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