Search for Truth
Search for Truth
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ever claimed that science attempts to find out the
absolute truth. All scientists humbly submit that the
“search for truth” is not their target. They are
simply trying to understand how the objective
world functions and not why it functions. For
instance, the chemistry of a flower may be
chemically analyzed, but not its odour.
Chemistry can describe how water may be turned
into steam power, but not why a miraculous life-
giving element such as water came to exist in our
world. Similarly, while science is concerned with
the biological aspect of man, it is not the aim of
science to try to discover the secret of the strange
phenomena commonly known as the mind and
Science has never claimed that its objective is to
discover the total truth or absolute reality. The
concerns of science are basically descriptive, and
not teleological. Although science has failed to give
a satisfactory answer to the quest for truth, it is not
to be disparaged, for this has never been its