Religion and Science By Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 3

Religion and Science
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The teachings of religion are concerned not with
empty abstractions but with the eternal truths of the
universe. The only way to salvation lies in our
acceptance of and submission to these truths, just as
we adapt our lives to the brilliance of the sun,
whose rays we can neither stop nor dim. To these
truths we can adopt an attitude neither of denial
nor of indifference. Relate to them we must, or we
shall find our-selves on the path to eternal
If we are to have the benefit of religious teachings,
the safest and surest way is through divine
revelation — the message of the Lord of the
Universe conveyed by His messengers to mankind.
Speaking of the doubts raised by ancient, pre-
Islamic nations about the verity of the messengers’
appeal and about their status as true apostles of
God, the Quran records how the apostles argued,
“Is there any doubt about God, the Creator of the
heavens and earth?” (14:10), thereby indicating that
the truth of their message was based on nature.
Nature’s manifestations all around us in the form of
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