for him to continue to swim in without ever
experiencing any limit. In the form of spiritual
awakening, he receives such great wealth that
he does not feel any need for anything else.
For one who discovers God, the entire
universe becomes an open book of God for him.
Every leaf of a tree becomes a page of the divine
When he sees the sun, he feels as if God is
lighting His heavenly torch so that he may read
His book clearly. The Universe becomes, as it
were, a supernal university and he its student.
Finding God is to find his centre of Love. Man
by birth is a seeker of a Supreme Being who is
far above him, who is free from all limitations
and who may form the centre of his feelings, in
short, a Being after finding whom a grown man
becomes as satisfied as a child after being held
in the arms of his mother. This discovery of
God saves one from regarding something other
than God as God and mistakenly and