The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
Prophetic Wisdom
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Bakr asked her about the destination of this
proposed journey. Aisha replied, “By God, I don’t
ibn Hisham, 3/14)
One of the
of the Prophet of Islam was that,
in delicate matters, he always observed strict
secrecy. And this is what he did during the
campaign of the conquest of Makkah. He left
Madinah for Makkah along with ten thousand of
his companions, without confiding in them where
he was heading. The companions are on record as
saying that it was only when they reached the point
from where the path led directly to Makkah, that
they the realized what their ultimate destination
would be.
In matters of strategy, the observance of secrecy is
of the utmost importance. Success, in most cases,
depends on the fact that the rival party remains
completely unaware of one’s plans in advance. The
Prophet of Islam showed this wisdom all his life.
Whenever a controversy arises between two people
or two groups, a practical working arrangement