The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
The Finality of Prophethood
~ 192 ~
The community of believers in the Qur’an has been
made by God to stand on such a solid foundation
that it has the potential, to remain safe from all
external dangers. Now, if it is ever to be harmed, it
will be by its own internal weakness and not by
external attacks or other dangers. The only
guarantee of remaining free from internal weakness
is that its members always go in fear of God.
In this verse ‘perfection of religion’ does not refer to
the comprehensiveness of its rendition by the
Prophet. That is to say that it does not mean that all
the possible commands relative to all walks of life
have been revealed to the final Prophet. In this
verse ‘the perfection of religion for you’ means not
the completion of the commands but the
consolidation of religion. That is, now the religion
of God is based on solid foundations. This
consolidation is so perfect that it has risen above all
enemy plots, and will not be harmed by them. From
now until Doomsday, no antagonistic moves will
ever affect it. The commentator An Nasafi has
explained this verse as follows: “I have completed
your religion” means that God had made the
believers secure from the fear of enemies. He had