The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
The Policy of the Prophet
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not allowed by Islam. Moreover, the individual
enjoys this right solely in his own personal sphere.
He is not allowed to instigate people to engage in
emotional and ill-considered actions by means of
provocative speeches and writings.
When an individual enjoys the position of a leader,
he has to give proper consideration to the interests
of the community. Even if he is not a leader, he has
no right to incite people by his pen and speeches to
adopt a course, which might imperil them. He may
take such a step in his individual capacity but he is
in no circumstances allowed to lead unwary people
into danger.
We do not find any examples in the life of the
Prophet of his taking an emotional step without
caring for the consequences. However, there are
some people who justify their own stand on the
taking of such steps by citing the example of
Husain, the grandson of the Prophet. They maintain
that the military strength of Imam Husain was far
less than that of the Umayyad forces, yet when he
saw that “truth was not being upheld, the forces of