The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
The Policy of the Prophet
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It is generally believed that the way of the Prophet is
always to follow the ideal path, rather than make
concessions. But this notion is not all-embracing.
When in search of practical methods, what is
actually worthy of consideration is the situation and
circumstances rather than an absolute ideal. The
importance of idealism in Islam is no doubt as great
as that of making concessions. But neither of these
courses is superior to the other in any absolute sense.
A study of
substantiates this point of view.
The word
does not appear in the Qur’an in
the sense of idealism as is generally believed. This
word has been used in the Qur’an in the sense of
persevering steadfastly, and for refraining from
impulsive retaliation. It is never used in the sense of
rushing headlong to confront the enemy at every
provocation. This is borne out by the following
“Therefore, patiently persevere as did the steadfast
apostles before you. And do not seek to hurry on
their (i.e. the unbelievers) doom.”