Principles of Islam
32. On the Occasion of Differences
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Differences are a part of life. A divergence of views
and behaviour arises between people for a variety
of reasons. Just as differences occur among
unbelievers and apostates. Similarly differences
occur between sincere and pious people. But even if
differences cannot be prevented, that is no reason
for any individual to indulge in negative behaviour.
It should be borne in mind that despite differences,
positive behaviour is both a possibility and a
Regarding a person as being wrong about
everything just because he holds different opinions
and calling him a hypocrite, bad intentioned and
insincere are entirely un-Islamic reactions. The true
believer looks at the issue of difference as a matter
of intentions, and limits any ensuing dissension to
the sphere of its origin. He never allows matters to
Severing relationships due to differences is not in
accordance with the spirit of Islam. Mutual