Principles of Islam by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 35

Principles of Islam
12. Fundamentalism
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Islam. The Prophet of Islam has observed: “The
religion revealed to me is a religion of kindness and
tolerance.” There is no room for violence in Islam
for any reason whatsoever. Thus Islamic
fundamentalism in this second sense is not
acceptable to Islam.
After the Second World War, however, some
Muslims opted for terrorism or extremism in the
name of Islam to achieve political ends. It was their
personal act. But since they carried it out in the
name of Islam the people to Islam attributed it. The
truth is that this is a misuse of Islam. It has nothing
to do with Islam. Those Muslims who are engaged
in terrorism or extremism in the name of Islam are
certainly misusing Islam.
Islam is a scheme of spiritual development. The
goal of Islam is to establish direct communion
between God and man in order that man may
become the recipient of divine inspiration. In such a
religion it is moderation, which is of the utmost
importance, not extremism. It is peace, which is of
the utmost importance and not violence. From this
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