Principles of Islam
57. Trial
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according to the unchangeable ways of God laid
down by Him in advance. Similarly, the animals
follow exactly those instincts instilled in their
species as a matter of Divine Will. Man is the only
creature who has been given, exceptionally, the gift
of power and freedom.
This freedom has opened doors of two kinds for
man, one leading to success and the other to failure.
If, on receiving freedom an individual becomes
arrogant and insolent, it will mean that he has failed
to pass the test.
But if on the other hand, he remains modest and
humble, bowing to his Lord’s will on all occasions,
he will have made the right use of his God-given
freedom: he will, without any compulsion, have
bound himself by divine principles. One who
chooses this course will succeed in the test of
freedom. He will be handsomely rewarded by God
as no other creature. Held to be the chosen servant
of God, he will remain in an everlasting state of
blissfulness and blessedness.