Muhammad: The Ideal Character
MUHAMMAD The Ideal Character
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comfort. The truth that he had discovered was that
man was in the power of Almighty God. It was
essentially a discovery of how humble and
powerless he himself was before God’s superb
omnipotence, of his own nothingness before the
supernal magnitude of God. It was a discovery of
the fact, hitherto little understood, that for a
believer there is nothing in this world but
responsibility. As for rights, he has none.
The meaning and purpose of life for the Prophet
after he had made this discovery are clearly set
forth in his sayings:
To fear God openly and secretly in every state,
To follow justice whether calm or angry,
To practise moderation whether rich or poor,
To reunite my sundered friendships,
To give to him who takes away,
To gladly pardon my oppressors,
And seek the silent ways of meditation,
To utter words in God’s remembrance.
And look around me knowledge to acquire.