Muhammad a Prophet For all Humanity
5. Lessons of the Prophet’s Life
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The truth is that the example of the Prophet is open
to more than one interpretation, and it may happen
that the wrong—or right—interpretation is made.
Only if one is sincere will one interpret the situation
correctly, and this can only be achieved through the
realism that comes from the fear of God.
When sincere people consider these incidents in the
Prophet’s life, questions such as those posed here
are bound to crop up in their minds. They are not
just seeking a meaning, which will serve their ends;
rather they are seeking to ascertain the exact nature
of the example imparted by the Prophet. This
approach keeps them from misinterpretation. They
will look at the matter objectively, and God’s grace
will enable them to arrive at the heart of the matter.
They will see that the secret lies in realizing one
thing: that trifling losses must be endured for the
sake of great gain.
The consideration that should be uppermost in a
believer’s mind is what serves the interests of
Islam, not their own personal interests. Their
preoccupation must be with preaching the
message of Islam. If there is a clash between