Muhammad a Prophet For all Humanity
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him by God. If this miracle had been of the same
order as those bestowed upon his prophetic
predecessors, its effects would not have outlived him,
and his prophethood would not have been accepted
in the way that it was by subsequent generations. A
miracle is a wondrous event which man, on his own,
is unable to produce. This definition applies in full
measure to the Qur’an: it is beyond man even to
emulate it. There is no doubt that the Qur’an is a
miracle wrought by the Almighty.
Muhammad’s role was exceptional in that he was to
be the last of the prophets. It had been so ordained
by God. The final revelation of God’s will was to be
conveyed to the people by him and, for posterity,
the scriptures had to be preserved by him and
subsequently by his devoted followers throughout
the centuries. To ensure this train of events, the
Prophet had to bring about a great revolution that
would give him a following the world over.
Muhammad is the father of no man among
you. He is the Prophet of God and the last of
the prophets. God has knowledge of all