The Moral Vision by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan - page 35

The Moral Vision
~ 35 ~
and entry into a profession that they are waiting for
the right job to come along. But one cannot go on
waiting forever, simply idling away one’s time.
Sometimes one inadvertently slips into idle ways
because there are no economic pressures in one’s
life. Those who inherit legacies, or have property or
investments which bring them some return are an
easy prey to idleness. But this is no existence for a
human being. Anyone who allows the poison of
idleness to creep into his system might as well be
Either one must opt for a regular job, which brings
one a suitable income and keeps one mentally
healthy, so that one never becomes a financial or
emotional burden on anyone else, or, if one is
financially independent, one should turn one’s
attention to higher things, pursue noble ends, serve
worthy causes and keep oneself fruitfully occupied
day in and day out. A person with no sense of
commitment is only living on the fringes of
existence. He is out of touch with reality and will
soon lapse into utter degeneracy. No really superior
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