The Moral Vision
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
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would have remarked to his friends that it was
prejudice which had come in his way. He would not
have admitted that he had been refused admission
because of his poor results. He would have publicly
understood by aspirants to high positions that the
response of the society we live in is usually an echo
of our own condition. We tend to attribute the evils
afflicting us to society so that we may shake
ourselves free of the blame.
When a man enters life fully prepared to meet its
challenges, the world cannot but give him due
recognition. Never in any environment does he fail
to receive the position of honour which is his due.
This results in his being able to maintain high moral
standards. His conduct is then marked by bravery,
confidence, broad-mindedness, gentlemanliness,
acknowledgement of others’ worth and a realistic
approach to life. He has the will and the capacity to
enter into proper human relationships. Society
having recognized his talents and he in turn having
given due acknowledgement to society, he can rise
above the negative attitudes of hatred and