n its claims about birds’ evolution, evolutionary theory, as in
all other fields of science, is full of contradictions. Defenders
of evolutionary theory base their claims more on a series of
hypotheses and assumptions than on findings and research re-
sults. Several of our books have presented scientific evidence of
the illogic and contradictions in evolutionary theory, and have
presented the invalidity of their claims with their own admis-
sions. (For detailed information, see
Darwinism Refuted, Evolution
Deceit, The Collapse of Evolution Theory in 20 Questions
, by Harun
Yahya). In this book, accordingly, we will deal only with the sub-
ject of how birds, with their various physical characteristics and
talent for mimicry, present evidence to counter evolutionary the-
Birds’ Vocal Learning
Chops Down the Evolutionary Tree
In order to explain the diversity
of species, Darwin drew an imagi-
nary evolutionary tree and of-
fered the theory that all living
creatures arose from one single an-
cestor and have diverged from one an-
other into distinct species. But this
imaginary evolutionary tree, which is
claimed as the backbone of evolution-
ary theory, has been turned upside