The Miracle of Talking Birds by Harun Yahya - page 11

gether as a community, warn one another of danger, work col-
lectively to find food and shelter, and make various sacrifices to
help each other out in any number of ways. (For detailed infor-
mation, see Harun Yahya,
Devotion Among Animals: Revealing
the Work of God
). As God pointed out in the Qur’an, these
creatures are capable of establishing their own form of
communication and performing in cooperative ways the
duties inspired in them by God.
Some birds distinguish themselves by their superior
intelligence and special talents. These particular species are the
subject matter of this book and which we may define as
birds that can imitate sounds, include the parrots, song-
birds, and hummingbirds. Many of us have heard
about, seen on television or even personally witnessed
these birds’ ability to talk. However, we may not have con-
sidered what a great miracle it is that these creatures can mim-
ic in this way, or to the perfection of the way in which God has
created them.
This book explains how these creatures’ being hatched
with their ability to talk or imitate sounds is one of the miracles
of creation and, at the same time, how this very ability invali-
dates the claims of evolutionary theory. And so, we will display
the magnificence of God’s creation for all to see.
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