Man Know Thyself
A Last Word
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neglected it. Either we have cultivated thorns, or
else flowers and fruits have blossomed in our
garden. We have either expended our energies on
the improvement of our crop, or we have wasted
our time in unnecessary and irrelevant occupations.
The period of preparation of this crop lasts until
death. The day of our death is harvest-day. When
our eyes close on this world, they will open on the
afterlife, and there, the crop which we have been
busy cultivating all our lives will appear before us.
Remember that the person who does the farming is
the one who does the harvesting, and he will reap
only the crop that he has sown. Likewise in the
afterworld, everybody will reap the harvest he had
prepared for himself prior to his death. Every
farmer knows full well that he will take as much
grain to the granary as he has grown, and that the
crop can never be other than the one he has sowed.
Likewise, in the afterworld man will be
recompensed according to the nature and ardour of
his efforts in the world. Death is the final
announcement of the termination of the time
allotted to him for struggle and endeavour, and the
afterworld is the final place in which he will be able