Manifesto of Peace
A Manifesto of Peace
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mission, he never lost his peace of mind. As such he
was able to respond positively, even in negative
situations. By avoiding confrontation and availing
of opportunities, it became possible for him to
convert his disadvantage into advantage. The
British writer, E.E. Kellett, has thus described this
achievement of the Prophet:
“He faced adversity with the determination to
wring success out of failure.”
The whole life of the Prophet was a practical
example of this principle.
Swami Vivekanand, an Indian saint, was once
invited to the home of one of his friends, who
wanted to test his mettle. When the Swami arrived,
he was ushered into a room where the sacred
scriptures of all major religious traditions were
placed on a table, one on top of the other. The
arrangement was such that the Gita, the Hindu
religious scripture, was placed at the bottom, and
other religious scriptures placed on top of it.
Swamiji’s friend was sure that he would be
provoked on seeing this arrangement. So he drew
the Swami’s attention to the books placed on the