Islam Rediscovered
24. A Case of Discovery*
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The next reason that has induced me to accept Islam
is, that it is so eminently reasonable. In Islam, we
haven’t got to believe in Thirty-nine Articles
bristling with dogmas that are either unintelligible
to our ordinary reason or inconsistent with our
common sense. All that we have to do, is to declare
our sincere faith in one simple formula called
kalima: La ilaha illallah
Muhammudur rasullullah
, that
is to say, “There is no diety save Allah, and
Muhammad is His Prophet.” Nay, there is a well-
which distinctly says that even “he
who believes only in one God will go to heaven,” or
in other words is a Muslim
Man Qala la ilaha illallah
fa dakhalal jannah!
). And is there any human being,
from the poorest beggar to the most highly exalted
Prince, from the most ignorant poor to the most
highly cultured philosopher, who can refuse his
sincere adherence to the Unity of God? Every sound
and normal man with his human institutions not
perverted either by false philosophy or gross
depravity, every man, I say, who is not a hopeless
atheist or an inveterate agnostic, must readily give
his assent to that simple and sublime truth: The
Unity of God. All the greatest philosophers of
ancient as well as modern times have enunciated it