Islam Rediscovered by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 389

Islam Rediscovered
23. Conversion: An Intellectual Transformation
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At first glance this was an invitation to people to
change their religion. But the study of the Qur’an
tells us that it was in actual fact an invitation to a
transformation in thinking, and not a change of
religion in the simple sense. In the first phase of
Islam, some Arab Bedouins had accepted Islam just
by reciting the
, the creed of Islam, while they
had not undergone any change in character at a
deeper level. The Qur’an admonished them in
strong terms:
The Arabs of the desert say ‘We believe.’ Say.
“You have not believed yet; but rather say,
‘We have accepted Islam, for the true faith has
not yet entered into your hearts.’”(49:14).
From this we learn that conversion according to
Islam means a thorough transformation of the
person and not just a change of religion in the
everyday sense.
There is a formal method of religious conversion
prevalent among the Jews and Christians known as
baptism. In this ritual ceremony, the convert is
dipped in water. The hue of water considered a
symbol of purity, and their priests believe that
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