Islam Rediscovered
15. Preservation, Updating, Da‘wah
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theoretical as well as a practical knowledge of Islam
to their offspring. For the purpose of learning how to
practise Islam in day-to-day life in accordance with
the prophetic role model, numerous institutions
came into existence. The religious schools of the
traditional type was called a
, while the
spiritual training centre was called a
. Starting
in the remote past and continuing right up to the
present day, a tremendous network of such religious
institutions has proliferated all over the Muslim
world, and in recent times has been marked with
renewed vigour and vitality. Without doubt these
institutions have been successful in at least one of
their fundamental objectives, that is, to preserve and
transmit the practical form or applied aspect of Islam
from generation to generation. In the present
century, the same purpose has also been achieved by
a number of other religious organizations and
movements. The movement of Tabligh may be cited
here as an example.
The second point in this connection is the process of
updating. The religion handed down by the Prophet