Islam and Peace by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 88

Islam and Peace
The Importance of Studying the Life of the Prophet Muhammad and its
Application to Our Lives
~ 88 ~
having the confidence to acknowledge this fact, and
then to seek out appropriate solutions.
One instance of ease counterbalancing difficulty
was the existence of believers alongside
unbelievers, two notable examples being Umar and
Abu Jahal, who both lived in Mecca in the early
days. Then even if it was impossible at that time to
cleanse Kabah of idols, it was still quite possible to
convince people that the worship of these false gods
was an evil. Seen in this light, the difficulties faced
by the believers in the first phase of Islam were, in
fact, challenges which awakened Muslim potential,
ultimately transforming each Muslim – in the word
of Margolith – into a hero.
This aspect of recorded life of the Prophet shows
that whenever believers find themselves in a
quandary they should feel convinced from the very
outset that, side by side with their problems,
opportunities for their resolution do exist. Instead
of lamenting over difficulties as if they were
insuperable they must set about grasping such
opportunities as will set them on the path to
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