Islam and Peace
The Spirit of Islam
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the garb of Sufis yet acted as hunters. Had you
came here in hunter’s garb, we would certainly
have remained on the alert. When we saw you in
the guise of Sufis, we thought that we were safe
with you and remained perched on the top of the
tree without being properly vigilant.
This anecdote illustrates very well the reality of a
true religious person or spiritual person for that
matter. One who has reached the stage of spiritual
uplift, and has found the true essence of religion no
longer has the will or the capacity to do harm. He
gives life not death, to others. He benefits others,
doing no injury to anyone. In short, he lives among
the people like flowers and not like thorns. He has
nothing but love in his heart to bestow upon others.
Now I should like to say a few words about prayer
and meditation in Islam. Let me begin with a
question from the Qur’an:
“When My servants question you about Me, tell
them that I am near. I answer the prayer of the
suppliant when he calls to Me; therefore, let them
answer My call and put their trust in Me, that
they may be rightly guided