Islam and Peace
Behaviour of a Muslim in His Environment
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44. The Prophet was very insistent upon kindness
towards animals. On one occasion he noticed a
dove flying around agitatedly, and discovered
that somebody had caught its young. He was
very annoyed and asked the person to restore
the young to the mother immediately. (
45. ‘A woman was tormented on account of a cat
which she had shut up till it died. On that
account she entered the Fire.’ (
46. “Forgiveness was granted to an unchaste
woman who, coming up on a dog panting and
almost dead with thirst at the mouth of a well,
took off her shoe, tied it with her head
covering, and drew some water for it. On that
account she was forgiven.” (
47. “The Prophet forbade beating or branding an
animal on its face.” (
48. “You will be rewarded by God for your acts of
kindness towards all living creatures.”