Islam and Peace
Non-Violence and Islam
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had not, academically been distinguished from one
another. In modern times, thanks to the influence of
the scientific revolution, the study of religions can
be done as objectively and as critically as any other
matter which comes under scientific scrutiny. Such
critical study has proved, purely academically, that
historically there is only one reliable religion, and
that is Islam. All other religions are lacking in this
historical credibility. Prior to this, the
Islam could resort only to traditional arguments in
support of their faith, but it has become possible to
measure up Islamic realities by the highest
standards of human knowledge and to establish its
authenticity by purely logical arguments. Indeed, in
latter times, the sciences themselves have born out
the divine truths of Islam.
Yet, despite modern developments, our own times
are constantly regarded as being fraught with
problems for Islam. Muslims, lacking in
understanding and awareness, forget that the
modern age has never ceased to be the age of Islam.
They fail to appreciate that Islam’s potential
remains undiminished, and that it is for believers to
convert that potential into an immediate reality.