Islam and Peace
Asian Muslims And Modern Challenges
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nothing more profitable to man, and that is what
makes Islam the most acceptable of religions. The
partial success of da’wah work can be seen even
today, even when it is not being performed in an
organized way at the community level.
Over the last one hundred years countless political
sacrifices have been made, without there having
been any real gain, whereas during the same period
tens of thousands of people, impressed by the
teachings of Islam, have entered the fold of Islam.
Islam is a religion of nature. It has the only
uninterpolated scriptures. It is such factors as these
which have made Islam into an effective force on its
own. That is why people continue to embrace Islam
in every country and in every region of the world.
You may not be able to carry out elaborate research
on the subject, but if you just read through the
weekly Al ‘Daw’ah, published in Riyadh, you will
find such instances in almost every one of its issues.
The importance of daw’ah has been established in
both theory and practice. The need of the hour is,
therefore, the adoption of daw’ah work as our most