Islam and Peace by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 200

Islam and Peace
Islam in 21st Century
~ 200 ~
society had ever been in the world before. (H.G.
Wells, The Outline of History, p. 325)
Well known Hindu reformer Swami Vivekananda
has acknowledged the practice of equality and
indiscrimination in Islam in the following words:
My experience is that if ever any religion
approached to this equality in an appreciable
manner, it is Islam and Islam alone. (Swami
Vivekananda, Letters of Vivekanananda, p. 379)
This practical side of Islam has made this religion
an exclusive bearer of truth and justice. Throughout
the annals of known world history, one finds Islam
as the only religion that can help in building a
society based on the practised principles of
brotherhood, equality and justice. The Declaration
of Human Rights” of the UNO, in its present form,
is a mere utopia of words. There is no precedent of
practicality behind this flowery declaration. The
teachings of Islam, one the other hand, have the
well-known exemplary tradition as to how the
ideals can actually be realized in real life.
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