Islam and Peace
Faith and Reason
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looking at the second part of religion in the light of
the first part of science. This meaningless
comparison is responsible for the ill-considered
conclusions he has arrived at in his article.
Had the worthy Professor compared the first part of
science to the first part of religion and the second
part of science to the second part of the religion, his
inferiority complex (as a man of religion) would
have ceased to exist. He would have felt that, purely
as a matter of principle the wrong parallels had
been drawn. The argument used in the first part of
science is equally applicable to the first part of
religion. Similarly the argument applied to the
second part of science is equally applicable to the
second part of religion.
This is a truth which has been acknowledged even
by a staunch and leading atheist like Bertrand
Russell. At the beginning of his book
Why I am not a
he has set forth what he considers a valid
argument. He points out that in his view all the
great religions of the world Buddhism, Hinduism,
Christianity, Islam and Communism – were all
untrue and harmful, and that it is not possible to